Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Here Fishy, Fishy!

Here is our little guy on his first boating/fishing trip. We recently went camping and decided to hit the lake and catch some trout. Unfortunately, only one fishy agreed with our idea and hit on MY pole :) Make that one point for fishermommy, no points for fisherdaddy! Our little guy did amazingly well, we figured we would last an hour, at tops, at trying to keep him contained in the boat but he surprised us all and we fished for almost 6 hours(with the help of lollipops as you can see.) What a trooper! He kept his pole in the water most of the time and often called "here, fishy, fishy come eat my food!" We had a blast making memories and having some much needed family time.
For more WordFULL Wednesdays visit 7 clown circus!


Ryanne said...

I love it, here fishy fishy! So stinkin' cute! Love the picture!