Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Oh, I wish I was an Oscar Mayer Weiner...

Wordless Wednesdays
Sorry for the picture quality, it was on my cell phone. Can you guess what we saw parked at the mall today?


Lis @ ATruckerWife said...

Love it!! How did the little like it? If you need some help with your template shoot me an email and I'll try to help tonight or the weekend!

Momisodes said...

LOL! I'll be humming that song for a while today now :)

I think I've seen the wiener car once, years back. It's HUGE!

Laura said...

It was sooo big(couldn't fit the whole truck in the pic so that you could actually identify the people)...little man loved it...he kept talking about the hot dog truck!

Renee said...

VERY cool! I have never seen the weiner car in I have that jingle stuck in my head...lmao